Ah, the circus. I only think I've ever been to an actual CIRCUs but once, but for some reason I love everything circus and fair-related (except clowns...nothing's scarier than a clown). My friend LV is equally obsessed. I'm pretty sure she looks forward to the SC State Fair almost as much as she looks forward to Christmas. So with LV in my mind, I created my first
Etsy treasury. (If you don't know what a treasury is, it's basically a theme-related list you can compile from all the merchandise on Etsy.) It was sort of ridiculously fun to make, and I'm looking forward to the fair even more now.

I really love the ringmaster-inspired
Fancy Mustache necklace I stumbled across when searching for all things circus...I really, REALLY love it. I'd buy it for LV for either a birthday or Christmas present, but alas, I know I'd end up keeping it for myself. See I'm my own circus act...World's Most Selfish Girl. (Better than the Bearded Lady!)
Blarggh. Back to the other non-fun circus that is my job.
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